Monday, March 10, 2008

The long-term plan

I have always operated this blog under the premise that if you have nothing interesting to say, you should say friend Richard has informed that I should just indeed update this forum on a more consistent basis.....this is so Richard can quit his bitching:

I have set my sights on The Marathon of the Palm Beaches(in FL). It's a Dec. marathon which means I could set my training to really kick in around Aug and thereby, avoiding most of the hot Summer runs I have traditionally had to do. My girlfriend Rachel is going to try and run it with me too, so that should be quite cool.

My long term running calendar will (hopefully) look like this:
Harrisburg Half-Marathon (Sept '08)
Marathon of the Palm Beaches (Dec '08)
*there is a link to this race under the "Running Links" section to your right
Jay Mountain Challenge (July '09)
*there is a link to this race under the "Running Links" section to your right

After that, the calendar may change depending on certain possibilities: If I get in, I'll run NYC Marathon in Nov '09 if not, I'll run The Chicago Marathon (again) in Oct '09. I want my last Marathon to be The Chicago Marathon since that was the first marathon I ran. It would be a great gauge of how far I've come since the beginning of this whole thing. Of course, if I ever get under a 3:15 marathon, I would qualify for Boston (Apr '10) and I would definitely run that marathon.

Supposing I am lucky enough to actually finish this race calendar, I would conclude my endurance-race career with The Florida Ironman (Nov '10).

That's all I have for you today. Obviously, as I go through this calendar, any and all of you are more than welcome to join me on race day or on a training run. Emails and letters of support are always appreciated. I will be raising money for various charities along the way. For The Marathon of the Palm Beaches, I will be raising money for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). I will run Jay Mountain for The Arthritis Foundation. I'll keep you up to date on that stuff and make you aware of how you can donate and whatnot.

Thanks for reading,


The Browers said...

Thank you, Richard. I second him in that I just check it to see what the hell you are up to - running or not. Did Dickie talk to you about next Wednesday? The girls and I are coming down and would love to see ya and meet your mystery girl. HOpe we get to see you. I'd text you, but I am a lot faster on the computer.

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