Monday, January 28, 2008

I believe in the greatness in each of us...

What is it about the indomitable human spirit? That thing deep within us that makes us stand when all we want to do is lay down. What keeps us walking when all we want to do is quit, keep fighting in the face of staggering odds? What is it that compels us to strive?...To reach?...To push beyond what we believe to be our very own reasonable limits?...To go beyond all reasonable doubt and catch hold of something amazing?...Something so full of passion and fire?...Of steel will and iron determination?...To get up off the canvas, blurry-eyed and dizzy, and fight on?...What is that thing that asks, "Just one more round"?

What is it that drives some of us to these maddening places? Where do we get this desire to define and then re-define our very own mortal limits?

I gotta wonder this because I believe we all have this "unfinished business" within us. I guess maybe some of us have it a little closer to the skin than others. Maybe for some of us its buried deep within. Maybe some of us just deny it and dismiss it...I don't know, maybe some people don't have it all.

But ya see, I gotta believe that we are all wired this way. I believe this instinct exists in order that we do not waste this wonderful opportunity we have all been given called life. I feel as if some of us (without this encoded desire) would supremely waste this life if not driven (inherently) to make the most of it. Make sense?

I don't know. Maybe I just wanna believe we are all capable of impossible things...maybe I just wanna believe that we all have this greatness in us...That thing that makes you stand up and clap at the end of a great movie: teary-eyed, heart pounding, hands shaking with utter

Just some thoughts...

Thanks for reading,


The Browers said...

Is this Jack Handy writing???

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting to read what you thought about this past weekend and how the team did. Also, when are we getting a Tribute To Bart?