Monday, May 21, 2007

I forget I'm old

Last week, Jesse and I went for our Monday run (2 miles) and after the 1st mile, I had to stop because my knee was hurting. It was a sharp pain in the inside of my left knee (which I am wimpy about because that's the one I had ACL surgery on). Anyway, I did the lifting (which didn't hurt) and went home and rested. I went out the next day to do the 2 mile run and speed work. I ran a mile and stopped (the knee, again, and some pain). I couldn't do the speed work either. I think the first full-week of running, speedwork, and lifting all at once took it's toll on my body and fatigued me a lil' too much. I took the rest of the week off and although my knee is sore today (played a soccer game Thurs, whiffle ball tourny Sat, and then a baseball game yesterday), I had no pain during the soccer, whiffle ball, or baseball games. So, I'm gonna go out and give it a go today. I'll do a mile and legs though. I'll just do upper body and a lot of core stuff. We'll see how it goes and play it by ear. If I have pain, I'll stop and rest again this week. There is no rush. As I wrote in the last post, the training schedule we're using is an 18 week program so the actual training won't start until early July. If it were late June, I might be worried but July is a long time off.

It's funny how you are sometimes reminded of things at really appropriate times...if you make yourself available to listen. I turn 31 this week (Friday if anyone wants to take me out for dinner and drinks...I'm available), and I thought it to be interesting that as I turn another year older, my body chose to remind of it in a very real way.

Jesse and I have talked about the upcoming training this summer for our marathons and one thing I've said over and over is "listen to your body." If my body is telling me that it is not ready to train that day...not listening to it and training anyway could be a really bad idea. Although I'm training for this marathon so that I can improve upon my previous time, my main goal is and always will be, to finish the race. I order to finish a race, ya gotta get to the starting line and you can't do that if your body breaks down before the race even starts.

I've had some positive feedback from those of you checkin in on me and the site....please keep it up. If there is anything you think I should/wish I would/could add, lemme know. I don't want my posts to get stale and boring.

It's gonna be a long slow summer of training...hopefully without too many weeks off due to injury...but it will get done.

Thanks for sharing this with me (again),


The Browers said...

Where is this "hill" you speak of. I may not see you on it, especially if it is a really steep hill. How about if you see me on the grassy yardlike area? How about "see you at Denny's"... that works for me. I too am old, and shall not be climbing any hills - doesn't mean I don't want to see ya.

Michael Williams said...

jam, you do have hills, you silly have "mom" hills.

The Browers said...

after i posted, i just read further down on your post and my questions were all answered. duh.

Michael Williams said...

gym teachers.........

Anonymous said...

wiffel ball tornaments?!?! right sounds like fun . . . haha

Michael Williams said...

wiffle ball tournies are harder than they sound!!!!

Anonymous said...

i was being serious you remember how much we sucked when we played it was hard!!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.