Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Rest.....rest....and more rest

I know it has been quite some time since my last post...I was on vacation with family last week. I was in Canada fishing and I had no Internet access and no desire to blog while in the midst of the utter silence of the Canadian woods.

I wrote in my last post of some possible injuries. I have not run for 3 weeks now and I feel fatter by the minute just knowing that I am not running. Baseball has also started so I leave school and go right to practice until 6:30-7. By the time I get home, I just crash...

I think (weather permitting), I'm going to go out for a short jog today. I truly hope I can make it through 2 miles without too much pain. Because I missed 3 weeks of training due to injury, I have decided not to run in the Harrisburg Marathon this November. If today's run goes well, I'll play it by ear as far as running goes. I would like to be able to get 3 or 4 runs in per week...anything to make me feel like I'm doing something to keep from getting bigger. I guess my next goal would be to train through the Fall and Winter and be in great shape by Spring and maybe squeeze a Spring marathon in...I don't know, Spring seems sooooo far away right now.

I did 2 miles and felt good! My legs were definitely not in shape as they tired quickly. My lungs weren't ready for it either but they adapted and my breath was fine by the end of the first mile. I was worried about my left knee and the back of my lower left leg (low calf). Both of those had bothered me throughout training and I didn't run for 3 weeks because the back left leg was sore (not in a healthy way). Anyway, during the run, the knee hurt a little bit, but went away after a few minutes and the calf felt good throughout the run. So I feel pretty good the day after the run so I'm gonna ease into running again. Although I am not running in the Harrisburg Marathon, Jesse still is and I'll be there at the finish line. He's trained hard this year and done very well. I bet he finishes in under 4:30 easily.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should write a blog about the ALCS. Some items you might mention: Choking up 3-1. Garko running his mouth, and not backing it up. The incredible Josh Becket, and lastly, as the collapse began, you stopped talking shit and turned off your phone.